Pattern Design Activities for Kids
by Don McCunn

Adding Stickers & Craft Goodies

Birthday Greetings

Using different colored paper and adding stickers and craft goodies to the projects are quick and easy ways to change their look.

Orgami Paper
Season Decorations Season Decorations
Personal Greetings Personal Message
Movie Characters Movie Characters

Do-It-Yourself Stickers
& Aligning Letters

You can create your own stickers from greeting cards, magazines, or photographs by using double-sided tape. Sticker letters will allow you to spell out personal messages and use names. To create a Letter Alignment Board, see Decoration Suplies.

Alignment Pad Insert Project Start from the Center
  1. Make sure the artwork will fit on a copy of the Master Pattern
  1. Cut the artwork out larger than you want it.
  1. Put double-sided tape on the back of the artwork.
Insert Project Insert Project Insert Project
  1. Trim the artwork, then carefully place it where you want it.
  1. To keep letters in a straight line, you can use a guide made from stiff paper such as the one shown here.
  1. Tuck the paper under the strip on the guide and move it to where you want the letters to appear.
Insert Project Insert Project Insert Project
  1. Put the first letter where you want it. In this example the "X" is the middle of the persons name so it is placed in the middle of the project.
  1. Add the additional letters following the edge of the strip on the guide.
  1. Finish the name and add additional stickers to complete the project.